Sunday, January 10, 2010


Alexa J.......

We have been having problems with our computer lately when we have been trying to talk to you using Skype. We can see you, but our video is not working so you can't see us.

But I guess if one was going to be working, I am glad that it is yours. We don't really change much, (unless I get a haircut), but you change every time I see you. You get bigger and prettier and smarter.

I love you so much and you make me so happy when I hear you call my name and Nani's name when you hear our voices. You are precious.

I got to thinking about how God sees us at all times, even though we don't really see him (with our eyes). This is kinda like us seeing you, but you not being able to see us. I think it thrills God's heart when we call his name even when we can't really see him.

Make sure to always call on Jesus, because he is always watching you.

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