Monday, September 21, 2009

God loves the world ... through us

Hey Beautiful Girl,
One week from today you are coming to see Nannie and me in St. Louis, and we are very excited. You will get to meet Champ in person -- our new dog. As you have seen through Skype, he is TEN TIMES bigger than Bella! You are going to love him; he loves to be petted and to cuddle.

You will also see how many people here in St. Louis stop to talk to us because of Champ. They ask questions about him, or they make a comment about how crazy it is to see such a big dog and a little dog walking together. We then get to become their friends, and that gives God a chance to love them through us.

I tell you all this to say that God has a way of using every part of our lives, and so many different things. And He wants to use your life to show his love to the world. It doesn't matter if you are little bitty like Bella, or big and scary looking like Champ, God can and will use you if you let him.

You might be wondering why God would use Bella, and Champ, and me, and Nannie, and you, to love the world.....why so many different ways? I think it is because He loves the world SO MUCH that he finds every way he can to express that love.

And we get to do it with him.

See you next week.

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