Monday, February 23, 2009

What will it look like?

I was think of you today as I was thinking about the seminary class that I am beginning. The class is about the mission (purpose) of God in this world, and the place that the church plays in God's plans.
As my mind began to wander (and it always does, and quite often to thoughts of you), I began to wonder what "church" will look like by the time you become a young adult. I am not certain, but I feel that it will be somewhat different than it has looked in the past.
I find that very exciting, mostly because I have become a little bored with the way that we have done church in the past. One person said it this way: we need to stop "doing church" and start "being the church." And by "church" I mean the body of Christ here on the earth. We are supposed to be (and to have been being, if that makes sense) the hands and feet of Jesus, going to and touching the people of the world with the love, power and purpose of God.
My hope for you is that you will be on the leading edge of what God is doing in and through your generation to reach the world with the love and the message of Jesus. Trust me, it is the greatest endeavor that you can ever connect with on this planet.

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